Engage Arizona

Why Christians Must Engage in Our Post-Christian World

Center for Arizona Policy

Host: Center for Arizona Policy’s Vice President of Policy, Greg Scott

Episode Summary: In this episode, Greg Scott discusses Arizona's evolving political landscape and its implications for families, emphasizing the importance of Christian engagement in governance and public policy. He outlines the challenges posed by a post-Christian culture and the responsibility of Christians to influence law and policy in accordance with their faith.

Key Topics Covered:

  1. Introduction to Arizona's Political Landscape:
    • The significance of Arizona’s state motto, "Ditat Deus" (God Enriches).
    • Introduction to the Center for Arizona Policy’s "Which Way Arizona" campaign.
  2. Current Cultural Challenges:
    • The moral dilemmas facing Arizona, including issues of life, human sexuality, and family rights.
    • The importance of upholding free speech and religious freedom against coercive societal norms.
  3. Defining Post-Christian Culture:
    • Explanation of post-Christianity and its impact on cultural norms.
    • Reference to Francis Schaeffer and Aaron Wren’s "The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism."
  4. Christian Morality in a Negative World:
    • The societal view of Christianity as a negative influence.
    • Examples of persecution faced by Christians in Western society.
  5. The Shrinking Church and Doctrinal Crisis:
    • Statistics showing the decline in Americans living by a biblical worldview.
    • The diminishing number of Americans attending church and the doctrinal crisis within the church.
  6. The Necessity of Christian Engagement:
    • The importance of Christians influencing law and policy.
    • Rejecting the misinterpretation of the separation of church and state.
  7. Rules of Engagement for Christians:
    • Wisdom: Acting according to knowledge, understanding the cultural landscape, and discerning good from evil.
    • Integrity: Maintaining a consistent commitment to truth and honor.
    • Christ-likeness: Emulating Christ in conduct and treatment of others.
    • Courage: Boldly proclaiming the gospel and standing firm in a hostile culture.
  8. Practical Examples and Historical Context:
    • Referencing the courage of the apostles in Acts and applying their example to modern-day Christian engagement.
    • Highlighting the consequences of failing to engage in public discourse and policy-making.

Call to Action:

  • Christians are encouraged to actively participate in shaping law and policy.
  • Emphasis on the unique freedom Christians in America have to influence their future.
  • Listeners are invited to share the episode and visit the Center for Arizona Policy’s


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